
This is a past event

Date & Time

Friday, January 31, 2020
8:00 am - 1:00 pm


City of Corpus Christi


Holiday Inn Corpus Christi Downtown Marina, 707 N Shoreline Blvd, Corpus Christi, TX 78041

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Meeting Agenda

Is your organization a member? Log in to register. Or register as a guest. At this time, there is no charge for guests.

8:00 - 9:00 Continental Breakfast
9:00 - 9:10 Welcome and Introduction
9:10 - 9:30 Business Meeting
9:30 - 10:00 “Tertiary Filtration and Disinfection Improvements at Whitecap WWTP”
Jason Cocklin, P.E, from Freese and Nichols, Inc.
10:05 - 10:35 “Construction in Tight Spaces: Update on the Oso WRP Lift Station & Headworks
Project” Logan Burton, P.E., Kate Nartey-Quaye, P.E, LNV Engineers, Inc.
10:35 – 10:50 Break
10:50 - 11:20 “Using Metabolic and Physical Selectors to Densify Activated Sludge“
Brandt Miller, P.E., Hazen and Sawyer
11:25 - 11:55

11:25 - 11:55 “Big Approach for Small Diameter Sewer Repairs - Implementing Consent Decree Remedial Measures on the SAWS BPC Central Small Diameter Package 4 Project” Maridel Jimenez, P.E., Plummer
12:00 – 12:30 “Overwhelmed and Overloaded? Do More with Less by Increasing Capacity and Resiliency with IFAS” Mark A. Maroney, P.E., Urban Engineering

12:30 - 1:30 Lunch
1:30 Adjourn
